Conception and implementation of a base reference net for cadaster surveying in Vilankulo/Mozambique

Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Grundlagennetzes für Katastermessungen in Vilanculo/Mosambik
- Extern/e Autor:in
- Stefan Burger
- Extern/e Betreuer:in
- Dipl. Ing. Andreas Lingel
- Intern/e Betreuer:in
- Prof. Dr. Jens Czaja , Prof. Dr. Peter Wasmeier
- Abschluss
- Master
- Studiengang
- Geomatik
- Jahr
- 2024
- Fakultät
- Fakultät für Geoinformation
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Themengruppe
- Geodätische_Messtechnik
- Weiteres
An effective and efficient cadaster with an accuracy of a few centimeters is not common in all countries around the world. Due to incomplete and inaccurate determination of the property borders, it is not possible to decide fairly on neighborhood conflicts regarding the borders and land grabs. This situation was everyday work for years in the municipality of Vilankulo, Mozambique. Surveying using modern instruments and digital management of parcels can form the basis for sustainable property security in Vilankulo.
As part of this master's thesis, a comprehensive concept for a new cadaster in Vilankulo was developed and implemented on-site. The measurement of a base reference network was planned and implemented using GNSS technology (s. fig. 1, 2, 3), and its accuracy was estimated and verified through tests. The digital cadaster was created in QGIS and adapted to the needs and wishes of the civil servants (s. fig. 4). In addition, the staff was trained in the use of measuring instruments and in the administration of the cadaster (s. fig. 5). In addition to the tests on the accuracy of the reference points and the cadastral surveying, the accuracy of the previous measuring methods, tape measure and alignment rods as well as recording by a leisure navigation device, was compared using the GNSS-RTK method.
Cooperation partner: Vermessungsbüro Lingel, Deutsch Mosambikanische Gesellschaft e.V.